Hamlet Revenge

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In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare the theme of revenge is heavily embedded into its frame work, seeing it follows Prince Hamlet in his task of avenging the mysterious death of his father. After encountering the ghost of his father Hamlet was lead to suspect that his uncle Claudius, who took over as king of Denmark after marrying Hamlet’s widowed mother, was the father’s murder. So although by simple glance it may seem that Hamlet was in search for revenge throughout the play, Hamlet took many precautions to insure that the action of removing his uncle from power was truthfully deserved. So, Hamlet ultimately sought justice for the murder of his father, but through strong emotions hamlet did commit several uncivil acts that played an …show more content…

Despite the fact that Hamlet was uneasy with Claudius’ gain of power prior to encountering his father’s ghost, it didn’t cause him to act impetuously. Aware of the grave situation Hamlet decisively chose his methods to discover whether King Claudius was his father’s murder. After having heard the claims of the ghost Hamlet had willfully decided to remain discrete of the thought that Claudius had killed his father. Hamlet had then began to observe closely the matters of the castle while not drawing suspicion from King Claudius by acting as if he were insane. Although lying may seem like an uncivil method to attain the truth, Hamlet was deceiving others to protect his life and to genuinely learn the truth of his father’s murder. Ethical or not, the simple effort of investigating whether the ghost’s claims were true shows that Hamlet was a just man not entirely fixated on avenging his father in the beginning of the play. Hamlet could have simply ignored the ghost’s request of removing Claudius or could have killed Claudius without any tangible proof, both being disgraceful in injustice or in recklessness. But instead, with great effort, Hamlet discovered the truth of Claudius’ crime by arranging the play “The Mousetrap” to draw out Claudius’ well-hidden guilt publicly. It was then that Hamlet had the evidence he needed to serve his uncle’s

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