Loss Of Innocence In 'A Doll's House'

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The narrator is regretful about what happened. We can see this when the narrator says “so now i moan an unclean thing, who might have been a dove" the loss of innocence here is obvious as the narrator describes herself as an "unclean thing" that could have been pure and innocent. This also implies the narrators regret towards the things she has done, as she is calling herself a "thing". This suggests that she is not even thinking of herself as a human being and that she is being very regretful
The narrator expresses her sorrow when she says "He lured me to his palace home" The word “lured” shows how devious and manipulative The Lord was to the poet. Also it could possibly mean that she was an easy target, and the lord found pleasure from her innocence and took advantage. The word "palace" also shoes a contrast in social status between the cottage maiden and lord and that women had a lower status than men. …show more content…

The poet expresses her hurt and through the quote "wore me like a silken knot" this shows The Lord used the cottage maiden as a trophy and used her for his pleasure, he had no feelings for her whatsoever. The word "silken" is interesting as it is normally associated with white which signifies purity, innocence, which the narrator has now lost after sleeping with The Lord out of marriage. The poem also tells us how people viewed unlawful relationships during Victorian

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