Freedom In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Freedom is a fragile effect on human nature, and it allows humans to expose their inner thoughts and true feelings. William Golding's Lord of The Flies depicts scenes of disagreement and anger, which adds emotion to the book. Throughout the novel, three major characters all portray aspects of humans in the real world. Intellectually advanced compared to others, but easily mistreated, Piggy has the persona of a geek. Piggy is an outstanding representation of perseverance. Originally, when Piggy introduces himself to Ralph he begs him to call him anything but “Piggy.” Yet, as soon as people begin to talk to Ralph he let’s the horrid nickname slip, “He’s not Fatty,” cried Ralph, ‘his real name’s Piggy,” (17). Though Piggy is always ignored, …show more content…

Jack and his pretentious actions show qualities of greed. Instantly taking charge as hunter, Jack ignores Ralph's instructions as chief about shelters, and becomes obsessed with the idea of meat. "We could steal up on one-paint our faces so they wouldn't see-perhaps surround them and then-" (55), Ralph babbled. Moreover, Napoleon, as an emperor, became obsessed with enforcing the continental system in Great Britain. This led to Napoleon's downfall because he lost a large portion of his navy. Accordingly, Jack when challenged shows an almost destroying anger. Ralph tried to take back his place as chief, urging the rebellion to an end. Jack on the other hand had no plans of that happening, which leads Ralph being chased to be killed. Another dictator Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, starved his people and put them in camps to enforce his rule. Finally, Jack enters his primal nature of savagery. He forces a chant among all in his camp, "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in," (168). Jack also resembles Hitler, who wanted his idea of perfection in all his people and wished to take over Europe. Being alone with no rules taking advantage of little things given to you, it can also ruin a normal

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