Lord Of The Flies Conflict Essay

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Conflict is something that entertains many, this is the reason why people watch reality shows, eavesdrop and gossip; to keep ourselves entertained. In spite of the conflict being entertaining it also has dire consequences on those who are involved. Lord of the Flies is a perfect example of the conflict that happens in our everyday lives and how this can mold us into who we are in the future. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding Jack faces inner conflict over choosing to embrace his instincts to be civil over his instincts to be savage. Jack is seen to struggle over two major inner conflicts about hunting and leading the group of boys.
Many people are afraid to hurt those who can’t protect themselves, in Lord of the Flies Jack deals …show more content…

Throughout the entirety of the story Jack had difficulty with accepting his role as just a hunter, he wanted to be chief. “Jack and Ralph smiled at each other with shy liking. The rest began to talk eagerly”(?) in this scene the group of boys were voting for who should lead them, Ralph was chosen without complaint from Jack because he was perfectly content with being given a bit of power. This scene in particular highlights that in the beginning of the novel Jack didn't care for leading the group as long as he got some power. In spite of Jack’s reluctance to step forward in the first meeting he soon became unmotivated to follow Ralph’s orders and rules. Jack refuses to bid by Ralph’s laws because he does not agree with many of his survival tactics, which is shown here: “"I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you" (127). This shows that Jack is beginning to chose his savage instincts by going off on his own because he does not agree with the rules. Finally, when the boys are rescued from the island the soldier asks who's the leader and Ralph declares that he is, which Jack began to deny: “A little boy who wore the remains of an extraordinary black cap on his red hair and who carried the remains of a pair of spectacles at his waist, started forward, then changed his mind and stood still.”(?) this shows that even through everything that occurred in the duration of this novel Jack has accepted what he has

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