Long Term Consequences Of Calling Out Cheating Children

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Calling Out Cheating Children
Children today are watched especially close by teachers for cheating, along with plagiarism, not as a result of schools trusting students less, but because more cheating is occurring than ever before. This increase in dishonesty among students on in-class assignments together with take home assignments is an expanding problem that should be addressed for the reason that it can cause horrible short as well as long term consequences for everyone involved. Due to the fact that all children are unique, it cannot be said what exactly is causing a multitude of them to start cheating; however, there are some factors that seem to present a stronger draw to the poor decision. Things like laziness or simply a desire to …show more content…

Many people do not like to think of children when they hear others talk about depression, on the grounds that it is such a powerful and harmful disorder. Regrettably, however, it seems cases of depression are rapidly growing in today’s youth. The physiological affect can lead people to feel that they are not good enough at anything they do or even cause them to have suicidal thoughts or actions. In this case, it can force someone believe they do not know enough to receive a decent grade on a test or an assignment, often times convincing them to not even attempt a task. It is assumable that when a person with depression cheats he is not content with himself for doing it, but lacks the self-confidence to trust the answer he may have produced. In other cases, depression can cause a lack of motivation, so that the person simply cannot find the needed energy to do their own work. There are numerous ways depression effects a person’s decisions and can strongly influence them; driving a person to cheat is just one of the many negative …show more content…

Quite often, it appears, when a person neglects to produce unique work there are multiple contributing factors that attract him or her to cheating. Even though children can struggle with problems such as depression or bipolar disorder, stressors usually associated with young adults, they are still highly impressionable when they are mentally healthy meaning that for many of them it could take only a nudge in the wrong direction turn them to cheating. To a large number of people, copying a fellow student’s work in class may seem insignificant to life after school; however, it could provide a push in the wrong direction, as the pressure of family and friends in addition to accumulated mental illnesses have been known to drive people to severely more drastic habits, cheating could be the start of a lifelong

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