Living Nightmare

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Looking back, everything seemed normal, but I was just so oblivious to what was actually going on. It had been going on for ages- a few years- the sore backs, restless sleeps, sore bones and finding it almost impossible to breathe at times. I had no idea what was coming my way…
9th March 2011, that was the day my world came crumbling down, It was a Wednesday night, everything was happening just as usual, and everyone seemed their typical selves. But the next morning I viewed my life in a completely different way. Nothing serious has ever happened to me like this before, nothing life changing, but I was just about to find out that life isn’t just all fun and games, and at any moment your life could turn upside down.
I woke up just as my normal routine at 7.45am, get up, get washed, brush teeth etc, although something out of the ordinary happened… this is where my life changed in a split second- I walked out my bedroom and I look straight in to the living room/bedroom, this is where my mum and dad sleep, on a sofa bed, because my brother and I stole the bedrooms, so instead of going through to the bathroom, I walked straight into the living room where I saw two men in high visibility jackets with ‘paramedic’ written on the back, yet I was still so clueless to the whole situation, what was actually going on? My mum walked over to me as she saw the worried look on my face, she just told me that ‘’everything was going to be ok!’’, those five simple words, that parents tell you to make you feel better about something even though you know that it isn’t, those five simple words to reassure you that everything’s going to be fine and dandy. So, I smiled and put on a brave face, but deep down I was petrified and worried. I asked h...

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...this in a easy way…’’
I was thinking the worst, but who wouldn’t at this point? It was such an intense moment, so many thoughts and feelings were going through my mind
‘’Your Dad has…’’- she paused, I had no idea what she was going to say, but I sure wasn’t looking forward to it-‘’…Cancer!’’, I will never forget that moment, It was like someone shot me with 100 bullets and put a knife through my heart at the same time… It shattered into a million pieces.
I began to cry, tears sliding off my cheeks and on to the ground. Wow! I didn’t know how to respond to that.
As time went on I got used to the visits to the hospital, but at times it got too much, especially when he was having chemotherapy, it was definitely the most horrible experience I have ever been through. Without my family and friends, I wouldn’t have been able to get through the hard time.

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