Literature Is The New Latin Analysis

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C. S. Lewis once said, “Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.” Literature is not just reading a book to complete an assignment. It is finding enjoyment from understanding a novel. Literature is helping people discover things in a different way. Literature is a tool that has been used to entertain and share thoughts for centuries. It still has its importance in modern day society. We may think reading and writing is a waste of time and effort, but that is wrong. Michael Meyer’s article “The Value of Literature” and Michael Reist’s article “Literature Is The New Latin” discuss the good and bad of writing and reading, respectively. Similarly like Michael Meyer, I believe literature sparks …show more content…

These stories create all sorts of emotions from readers. Michael Myer explains the fact that readers “can be moved to laugh, cry, tremble, dream, ponder, shriek, or rage with a character by simply turning a page instead of turning our lives upside down” (Meyer) Reading and writing can really be a different method for us to feel various emotions and is a new way to discover these certain sensations. Some perceive reading long novels are not worth the time. They believe that, “we have entered the three-minute world. Anything that takes longer is just not worth it. This is the new attention span.” (Reist) That is wrong though. It can be worth it if you really try reading the novel and think about what really is happening throughout the story. Personally, literature brings a different type of entertainment to me. Instead of crying from watching movies or television shows, some novels will bring the laughter out of me. All in all, literature is a great way for us to cultivate the sentimental part of our

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