Lion King Character Traits

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Lion King Characters: Simba: Simba is the main character of the movie. He is curious and adventurous, and he will disobey any advice that is given to him. Everything that may be dangerous is just a new adventure for Simba. When he's an adult he picks up a carefree lifestyle, and is not thinking at all about his past. And at the end, he shows his brave side. The side that shows that he can be king, he slowly turns into his father. Mufasa: Father of Simba and the former king of Pride Rock. He is a strong and mature lion that really acts like a king should act. He also shows respect for all the animals around him, and that makes him respected. Scar: The brother of Mufasa. Scar isn't the strong and majestic lion like his brother, so he tries to use his intelligence to take over the throne of the Pride Lands. Scar is more or less a coward who's plans are depending on help from others, him beeing a man who doesn't like to get his hands dirty. He's an arrogant, selfish and a manipulative lion, that is easy to hate. Summary: I'ts a big day in Pride Lands when the little lioncub Simba is born, son of king Mufasa. This is a fantastic day for everyone except for Scar, him now beeing the second in line to the throne. Time goes by, and Scar is planning on how to get rid of Mufasa and Simba. Killing two birds with one stone. He …show more content…

The opening song might give us a clue to prove that, since the song is in Swahili a language spoken in several countries in east Africa.There is the savannah with the diverse wildlife, and the majestic Pride Rock in the middle of it all, where the colours are “happy”, and the sun shines. This we can call the bright and good side of the world. In contrast to Pride Rock we have the elephant graveyard. It's dark, gloomy, and sad. It will definetely give you the chills. They live in an animal kingdom where the animals speak and act as humans, and lions are the

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