Linguistics: The Theory Of Cohesion In Language

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Linguistics plays very important role in studying language. It includes a lot of theories which is among of them a theory of cohesion. This theory studies in written texts and recently in spoken language. It considers a property of texts and realized by various grammatical and lexical devices.
"Cohesion' is defined as the set of possibilities that exist in the language for making text hang together: the potential that the speaker or writer has at his disposal." (Haliday and Hassan, 1967, p 17)

Moreover "cohesion is the ability of hearers and readers to identify the relevant portion of text as referent, when they are faced with it, this or that in these uses. Clearly one of the factors that enable them to do this is the internal …show more content…

As for reiteration, it is divided into repetition, synonymy, antonomy, hyponymy, and metonymy (whole versus part). Repetition means repeat some words more than one in the text to make a text coherent. (Salkie, 1995, p16)
Synonymy is using some words which have the same meaning, and referring to the same person or idea. (Bloor, 2004, p123)As for hyponymy means some words are related to some categories or subordinate. So general words are always called subordinate, and specific words are called hyponymy. (Salkie, 1995, p28) "Hyponyms can themselves have hyponyms, depending on how elaborate the relevant area of vocabulary happens to be. A very elaborate area is the classification of living organisms. Starting with the most general words, we can go down the hierarchy of terms, getting more specific at each …show more content…

As for personal reference It contains personal pronoun's masculinity and femininity such as he, him she, they, etc. which refer to the same person. Demonstrative reference depends on determiners as these, this, those etc. and adverbs as in now, here, there, that, andcomparative reference which represents in adjectivesas in identical, other, same, more or there and better. Furthermore, it contains adverbial counter parts as identically, similarly, less and so on.
There are two types of a reference relation which are endophoric and exospheric reference, as for exophoric reference outside the text in the context of situation, and endophoric reference inside the text is our focus. Endoforic reference is divided into two types which are represented in cataphoric and anaphoric relation, whereas cataphoric looks forward to the referent in which pronoun or demonstrative appears first and the named expression the second, on the other hand anaphoric look backward to the referent in which the expression appears first and pronoun the second. (Bloor, 2004,

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