Like Father

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The Influence of Level of Intimacy in Father-Child Relationships of resident and nonresident father’s on the Adolescent Sexual Preference of African American Male Students

Family dynamics plays a very important role in helping to form the overall structure of our society. In recent years, there has been a significant shift in dynamics from the typical nuclear family to single parent households. According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, the majority of children living with one parent lived with their single mother. About 14 percent of children living with one parent lived with their single father. This evidence also supports the growth of single-mother parent households thus bringing into question the level of involvement that fathers are allowed and able to have with their children. The US Department of Education also stated that - “Of students in grades 1 through 12, 39 percent (17.7 million) live in homes absent their biological fathers.” Further research done by the US Census Bureau showed that in 2012, “57.6% of black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children are living absent their biological fathers.”
This research hence states that in comparison to other racial groups African American households tend to have higher rates of fatherlessness.

Unfortunately, with the rise of single mothers, research on the importance of the father and his role in a child’s upbringing, growth and development has been of less focus and been more difficult to conduct. However, despite difficulty the necessity for such research has not been diminished. According to an article published by the US department of health and human services fathers play an irreplaceable role i...

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...," said study author and demographer Gary Gates, of the UCLA School of Law's Williams Institute.

In light of the information and research found, the researcher has proposed these research questions ; Does a father’s physical presence in the home play a significant role in the level of intimacy that occurs between a father and child and Is a significant correlation between the occurrence of fatherlessness and broken father-child relationships and homosexuality amongst African American boys?
The researchers hypothesis in relation to these questions is that adolescents with fathers who live inside the home will report a higher level of intimacy with their fathers than adolescents with fathers outside the home and adolescents who are reportedly homosexual will have a lower level of intimacy with their fathers than reported heterosexual adolescents.

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