Life Of Pi's Loss

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Man is faced with uncountable amounts of trials and hardships throughout life. Terrible things occur in the lives of everybody, every story has its hardships just as every has its villain. What is often failed to be realized is that in most circumstances our biggest villain is ourselves. This concept is shown in the novel Life Of Pi by Yann Martel as he portrays Pi as the villain of his own story. The novel is a story concerning survival and in this situation of man v. nature Pi acts as his own greatest enemy alongside his sadness, delirium, and basic human needs.
Sadness. Perhaps another word for destruction. There was never a feeling so crippling, so debilitating, as true sorrow. Pi finds himself lost at sea, a situation which requires courage …show more content…

Pi feels his own destruction creeping up on him. Pi loses his ability to function normally as his mind, sight, and strength depart from him. Pi assesses his situation in saying,” I could feel a fatal weakness creeping up on me. I would be dead by afternoon”( Martel 242). Pi’s own body acts as his greatest restraint. Rather than as a functioning machine , his frail body and weakened mind act as cages that he cannot escape. He took a leap from possessing great strength and health to losing it and giving into weakness, only to discover he had taken good health for granted . This leap is one that a man must inevitably take. As the bodies and minds undergo that dreaded but unavoidable process of aging, man finds himself cast into a state of frailty. Man will grow to curse his body for becoming a prison to him. Martel conveys to readers that they must recognize the value found in health before it is no longer …show more content…

This goal is targeted by fatigue, hunger, and thirst. Pi acts as his own villain when his basic needs. Drifting further from life is human needs seed two weakness which in turn lends a hand to a loss of Hope in inevitable Doom. However these needs to not only attack Pi’s physical self but also his mentality and identcode Pi was raised a Hindu and has a moral code against the destruction of other life Kama of animals. Intense hunger drives him to carve out his part of his identity and forget it as he kills fish and turtles for sustenance. High reaches a point where he has descended to a level of savagery he never imagined possible Martell 197. Hi how's the lad himself to lose part of who he was, to become a Savage that is unrecognizable to him. By not only not negatively impassive chance of survival but he also has managed to Forever destroy a piece of who he is and what he stands for. Readers are shown the evils that all men are capable of reaching. Martel illustrates how easy it is for a man to give way to savagery and to allow his body to have immense power over him. The author shows readers that they are often the stem of Their Own

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