Life Of Pi Mythological Analysis

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Mythological approach to “Life of Pi”
There are many different characters in “Life of Pi”, and are also two stories within “Life of Pi”, and you decide which one was true. I believe that the first story, with the animals is true. For that reason then all my examples are from that story, not the human version. You have the heroes like Pi himself, the people that found him in Mexico, and arguably Richard Parker. Richard Parker is one of the most controversial topics in the story; he could be a hero, enemy, and friend.
I believe that Richard Parker is a hero, because if he wasn’t in the story then Pi would not have survived. Pi said it himself: “Without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story.” (page 207). What makes a hero is very controversial, but if someone or something saves another life in the story I think everyone agrees that they would be the hero. Since Richard Parker saved Pi’s life then to me he is a hero. Richard Parker can also be considered the enemy because he is always a threat to Pi and always has to be kept in check. Richard Parker is also a friend to Pi as he keeps him from thinking too much about of his family. Pi is the main hero because he fights the elements (pages 121-360), and a hyena (pages 121-189) which are the “bad” guys in the story, and it …show more content…

Pi turns to his multiple religions to help him survive; it takes his mind off his parents and most importantly it gives him hope which can be the difference between life and death. Pi told two stories and of the two stories he told I think that the animal one is the correct story. There are many stages in Pi’s journey and his stages keep going on after the book as he gets his degree, when he marries, and has children. Since Pi and Richard Parker fight the odds and elements to survive together in a lifeboat for 227 days in my opinion is more than enough to qualify them both as

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