Lidtke Mill Ghost

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The ghost of lidtke mill Phil walked in the Mill with his wet slippers and he got electrocuted and he passed out and didn’t wake up. Two years latter a kid named Daniel went in to the mill and the ghost of Phil scared Daniel to death. Then 19 years latter a kid named Swayer went in the mill with a cross and he was safe. He went back to his home and he went to bed from a long day,at the mill 3 hours later the ghost of Phil came threw the window and said get out! He garbed the cross but the ghost garbed it out of his hands. He was so afraid he could not move so then the ghost left. 3 days later Swayer and his family moved to a different house but when they got there the house was torn to pieces so they stayed at the hunted house for a wile. …show more content…

Fall came and sawyer went back to school and he liked it because he wouldn’t deal with the ghost any more but one day after school he found Anna hurt really bad so they took her to the doctor. The doctor say that she has a broken leg so she is put in a cast for 2 weeks. I tried to help her the best I could. It was time for crop season so my and papa when into the field. We got lots of money from the crops, so the next day at school the ghost was there. I was shocked so I ran to me classes and then after school the ghost got to my family they weren’t dead but badly injured. So when we got to the doctor and he badged them up so a couple of weeks later a present came to are house and he tried to make the ghost go away but nothing happened. So i went to bed but i could not get to sleep. I was up thing about the ghost so I tried to count sheep so then i fell a sleep. I woke up to a sound of a girl screaming so i jump out of bed and put on my slippers and i ran to Anna’s room and the ghost was chocking her so i gabbed my cross and the gosht left the house and when back to the mill. So at School i made a new friend. His name is Mason so on time he came over ouija board and I said let’s play with it He said ok so we unbox it and they go behind a tree and Annabel said what are you guys doing we are playing a board game she said can i play We said yes. Ok put you fingers on the

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