Lev Is A Tithe Short Story

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Lev is a tithe. His life had turned upside down when he had met Connor and Risa. Lev wanted to be to be unwind since he trusts what God put him on the earth for. He didn’t won’t to trust that Connor and Risa. He didn’t really care about it all at first. But, when he called Pastor. He realizes that he had messed up big time. When he saw Connor and Risa, they had left him. He realizes he was all alone. That’s when he started to change. Therefore, being without Connor and Risa, he was alone. That’s when he had to learn thing to survive. He went to the mall to eat people left overs. That’s when met CyFi. CyFi had taught him a few things. Lev went from wearing white to wear non-white clothes. He doesn’t look like a tithe anymore. Lev learns

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