What Does Bjurman Kill Lisbeth?

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At this point in time, Bjurman has taken complete control over Lisbeth. In contrast however, Bjurman is unaware of Lisbeth’s plan to seek out justice for herself. Prior to the rape, Lisbeth had, “devoted a week to planning Bjurman demise” in where she considered, “various methods” of doing so (Larsson 347). In addition to her planning, Lisbeth also formulated whether or not she will be caught and face legal precautions for her actions, but she came to the realization that due to her societal view of being, “ a helpless incompetent girl with documents showing her to be mentally deficient” (Larsson 348) she would not be suspected of any henice act. With that being said, Lisbeth came to decision not to kill Bjurman— as death would not equate to …show more content…

As seen, unlike the public perception of Lisbeth, she shows herself to an critical thinker who is able to overcome any adversity posed to her. Lisbeth’s ability to recognize that Bjurman’s sadistic behavior will continue and to record every consultation between herself and Bjurman would be a wise decision. Hence, this displays that Lisbeth is not mentally challenged but one with, “a high degree of discipline and self-control” (Burkley para 9) to retain her extensive knowledge only for necessary purposes. In addition, Lisbeth demands Bjurman to “inform my bank that I— and I alone— have access to my account” and that he will not contact her unless she initiates an invitation (Larsson 373-374). Thereafter, Lisbeth’s informs her guardian that in case of any tragic event that an automated video of the rape will be sent to every news outlet in the country. Nevertheless, Lisbeth reveals that regardless of the actions taken by Bjurman to control her, she would not allow him to dominate

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