Letter To Plymouth Plantation Letter Essay

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Dear Samson this is Royce, in good faith, who apologizes for such a sinful delay from your last letter. That letter bestowed a whole hearted warmth upon me, a warmth I cannot say the voyage to the New World has brought. Recalling the influence of religious freedom which had urged me to strive towards this New World has pursued a bittersweet arrival. My brethren and I have prayed for different, blessed lands, yet, Cape Cod stared wildly and callously upon my optimism. Before our arrival, half of our ship’s men were plagued by scurvy and disease. Whether one death on the ship is fortunate or unfortunate (Of Plymouth Plantation, Page 7), a poor man was starved, killed and thrown over the Mayflower’s sides (Of Plymouth Plantation, page 5). Nevertheless, the Mayflower continued miles across the stormy seas (Of Plymouth Plantation, Page 8) I prayed for relief and the holiness of our arrival could not be expressed with prayer. Father would probably laugh at my pessimism. I know at times I seem like a pessimist but, deny me not that the voyage was horrible. While it was mostly terrible, during the voyage to the New World a woman did welcome a lovely child that was gifted the name “Oceanus” (Plymouth Plantation Video). For me, Oceanus symbolized a marvelous …show more content…

I rose from the sweet sands and soon the warmth of the land’s impression had lost its heat (Of Plymouth Plantation, page 8). We have been building houses and freezing and had sacrificed ourselves to labor’s tiresome definition (Of Plymouth Plantation, page 9). Now, labor’s meaning has washed to a numbing survival amongst everyone in our settlement. However, we have settled on these soils comfortably enough to call it home. A few months into the settlement lived a temporary famine and devilish plague that kept some civilians dropping like flies (Of Plymouth Plantation, page

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