Letter From The Little Girl By Mary Paul: An Analysis

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The majority of one's life is being spent by working. People work towards their goals in life, they work to win a sport, and they even work to gain money. All of these examples of work are done by some sort of labor. Children mainly work on playing and being, well, a kid! Adults, on the other hand, are the ones who work to earn money for their families, and the labor is mainly done through physical labor. Although this is how the working system is done in the present day, it used to be completely different. Children were forced to work in factories for adults which caused a negative impact for the children. The letter, Letter from Mary Paul consists of a long paragraph concerning the working conditions and labor of children in a factory. The …show more content…

Based on evidence from the long paragraph, the children were not healthy and several of them were starving. In the letter, the girl enlightens, "My life and health are spared.." The little girl starts her letter off by explaining how she is somewhat healthy. It is clear that the children are fed a minimal amount of food that must not be very healthy, good, or proportional enough for a person. The pictures linked with the letter make it obvious that the children are ill. The boy in the first picture looks as though he is pale and has bagged eyes. Speaking for itself, the picture shows how the children are not gaining the vitamin and nutrition they need and deserve. The bags under the boy's eyes tell the audience that the boy most likely wasn't receiving enough time for resting, which also affects his health. In the second picture, however, displays a gruesome image of a little girl in a factory. The factory looked extremely dirty which would ruin the children's' hygiene. From what the little girl describes in her letter, and the photos that are provided, it is obvious that the children in this factory are …show more content…

Moreover, the letter elaborates how there were several female child workers that died due to the working environment. To extend further, the letter informs, "Last Thursday one girl fell down and broke her neck which caused instant death." Apparently the girl that died, fell due to the ice on the mill. There were also several other cases in which people had died because of the dangerous working conditions. Along with dangerous working conditions, the uncleansed factories also are inappropriate and should not let any human beings work in. On the inside of the factories, by a hard glance of the photos, the machinery looked unsafe for use as well. With this in mind, several of the children have a chance of injuring themselves on the equipment which could, evidently, lead them to death. Children should not be placed into labor factories, for they are

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