Let If Fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992

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1 Differential associated is the idea that crime is learned through communication and social interaction. In the movie Let if fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992 described the role of the Los Angeles police department being aggressive to the African American community. Early on in the film it described the training and power dynamic that existed between supposed criminals in minority communities and the police Department. An example given was the fear of PCP intoxicated individuals and the theoretical powers it gave them as criminals, being able to withstand non-violent ways to reducing conflict like Tasers, and pepper spray. This fear of PCP intoxicated criminals made the Los Angeles police department mistrustful, and wary of all future criminals …show more content…

The police again connected the PCP fear to warrant using the chokehold as a means to takedown criminals. The training of chokeholds and means of using it was learned through the police academies and supported in the police community. Even when discussing the assault of Rodney King some police officers deemed that the chokehold would have been enough to take him down instead of the beatings. The chokehold which has caused death before, was approved by the police as warranting in dangerous situations. Differential association holds that criminal acts are learned with interactions, and thus police violence was also learned with violent police interactions. Police units became used to using hostile means to takedown criminals that even when the situation did not warrant it, it was already the norm. Furthermore, with the fear of PCP and the believe that all criminals had the potential to cause as much damage as them, there was less restraint on how they dealt with people under arrest. The use of the Chokehold and the fear of PCP led to a culture of aggression that led up to the Rodney King beatings. Instead of using the chokehold the police beat him to suspicion, under the suspicion he was intoxicated on PCP, and used violent tactics. The police saw nothing wrong with this aggression as it was normal, and under peer influence of other police

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