Lessons Learned That Influenced My Life

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I have been working as a home care provider for children and adults with Autism for almost three years now. Throughout my time connecting with these people and their families, I have learned many things valuable to me that I will continue to apply to my life for as long as I live. However, there are a few lessons in particular that I have learned that will influence my academic work and goals at Colorado Christian University; never give up and be a light. I can say my entire career as a whole has established these lessons, but one particular child I worked with truly showed me that all things are possible if you never stop trying and always lead with love. This young man is thirteen years old, and would be classified as severely Autistic. He is physically and verbally abusive to himself and others, he does not participate in social situations very well, and he throws dangerous tantrums if he does not agree …show more content…

But this young man wanted nothing to do with me, and he continued to show me for weeks; I continued to be consistent though. I did my best everyday to show him I loved him, I wanted his friendship, and no matter how hard he pushed me away, I was not going to give up. Then one day, after he had thrown the most violent tantrum I have ever seen, we connected. The boy was known for how he relentlessly mumbled gibberish; I was told when I first got there to simply ignore it, because it did not mean anything. I was told that if I played into his visions or hallucinations, I was enabling him. The day we connected though, I went against all I was told, and I responded to his mumbling rather than put it down. I responded in the most dramatic, hilarious way, throwing my hands in the air, and putting on the greatest show I could, because I knew whatever he was saying, I needed to understand it. After my response, he stared me straight in the

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