Leonardo Da Vinci's Life And Life

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Leonardo Da Vinci Biogr¬aphy

Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, sculpture, architect, inventor, military engineer and a draftsman during the Italian Renaissance. He is well known for his paintings “The Last Supper” and the “Mona Lisa”. His loves of animals lead him to be a vegetarian.

Leonardo Da Vinci was born the 15th April 1452, in a remote village, Anchiano, Italy. His birth was around 10:30pm with his baptism the next day.

Leonardo’s parents never married. His parents were Caterina Da Vinci(Mother) and Piero Fruosino Di Antonio Da Vinci(Father). Caterina was a peasant and Piero was a notary. Leonardo had 12 sibllings, 9 brothers and 3 sisters but they didn’t all have the same pair of parents.
His brothers are …show more content…

He then was handed over to his fathers parents, Antonio and Lucia. The family felt they were more financially capable of taking good care of him, rather than his mother, as Piero was busy with his business in Florence. Some believe his rocky start may have affected his imagination, and personality. He also said he remembers an incident from when he was younger that a kite (a kind of hawk with long tail feathers) flew down to his bed and flicked its tail against his lips which wondered if this was the cause of his fascination with flight.

Education in Florence
Leonardo Da Vinci no formal education beyond basic reading, writing and maths.

In the mid-1460’s Leonardo Da Vinci moved to Florence and joined his father. It was recorded that this was the first time Piero took charge of Leonardo. At the age of 15 Leonardo’s father apprenticed him to Andrea del Verrocchio (1435–1488), the leading artist of Florence and the early Renaissance. He learnt painting, sculpture and acquired technical and mechanical skills.

Assistant in Verrocchio's …show more content…

The model is the wife of Francesco de Gioconda. Leonardo used oil paints layering them using very fine brushes so that brush strokes cannot be seen. The Mona Lisa’s smirk makes it seem she is having a private joke. In 1911 the painting went missing for two years, when Vincenzo Peruggia hid it under his coat after removing it from its frame and leaving the Louvre. He spent 18 months in jail for his crime.

The Last Supper

The Last Supper is a mural painting, on the back wall of the dining hall at the Dominican convent of Sta Maria Delle Grazie in Italy. Da Vinci began painting it in 1495 and completed in 1498. Leonardo wanted to show what Jesus’ disciples were thinking the evening before the betrayal, not just how they looked.

The Virgin of the Rocks

The Virgin of the Rocks is an alterpiece, hangs in the Louvre, Paris. It was commissioned by the government for the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan. The painting took 25 years to complete.
Leonardo Da Vinci had many different studies, one of them is flight, with Leonardo’s study of flight he invented the Flying

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