Leonardo Da Vinci Accomplishments Essay

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“Honor is respect that is given to someone who is admired; having a good reputation; a good quality or character as judged by other people; high moral standards of behavior.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Honor is being respected and looked up to by the people you love. It isn’t something that is given, but rather something that is earned. In order to gain honor you have to put forth hard work and dedication. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Anchiano, Tuscany. He was born out of wedlock to a poor woman named Caterina. Caterina married a notary, Ser Perio, around the time he was five. His father taught him basic reading, writing, and math. He also helped to develop his talent in art. Around the time da Vinci was fifteen he became apprenticed to the artist Andrea del Verrocchio. He also painted an angel in Verrocchio’s painting “The Baptism of Christ.” When he was twenty-six he became an independent master of art. A few years later, he started doing his first commissioned works. Leonardo da Vinci is known as the Renaissance man. He made great contributions, not …show more content…

His ideas for machines that could move, fly, and operate in water were centuries ahead of his time. His mind was full of ideas, and he kept them in over 13,000 pages of notebooks and drawings. Although his ideas were mostly non-experimental, he recorded his thoughts as if they were already working machines. Leonardo’s sketches were drawn in perfect detail. In his countless notebooks he depicted flying machines and devices that were similar to airplanes and helicopters. He also had many ideas for weapons. The modern tank is a derivative of his drawings. Multi-barreled guns and a giant crossbow were also among his drawings. Leonardo also had ideas to make everyday life simpler. The idea for a clock and a self-propelled cart for moving heavy objects were included. Scuba gear was another one of his famous

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