Leisure Activities In Prisons

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Presently, all correctional institutions provide some access to recreational activities.
Unless in solitary confinement, most inmates are not in their cells all day and are involved with either work, educational programs, and in their free time so type of leisure recreation which may include watching television, use of library, doing crafts or playing recreational sports. Leisure activities are available in two locations in a prison; inside and outdoors. Leisure in prisons is often referred to as Correctional Recreation. “Correctional Recreation can involve many activities ranging from passive activities (TV watching) to low energy activities (board games, bingo, playing cards) to hobbies (art, music, ceramics, photography), to sports (basketball, …show more content…

The positive impact that leisure can on wellness is often discussed in the literature. The American Correctional Association believes that leisure and recreation is an essential part of rehabilitation. “Leisure/recreation provides a way of changing ones regular routine and it helps to intervene and rehabilitate (Caplin, 1996)”. “Leisure has been shown to enhance psychological wellbeing and health and to act as a resource for coping with stress and stressors associated with negative life events and has the potential to enable an individual to experience a sense of self outside of their oppression (Yue et. al. 2013)”.Research has also acknowledged that interpersonal skills such as trust, teamwork, cooperation are all fostered because leisure promotes working together, and many of the adults incarcerated have never been taught how to work together (Carter, 2005). “The improvement of one’s self-image, physical health, fitness level, and mental health all may be derived from effective prison recreation and leisure activities (Caplin, 1996)”. Caplin (1996), believes leisure activities serve as safe and constructive outlets for inmates to release their energetic frustrations and can instill in some the concepts of …show more content…

A leisure education program like Benefits-Based Programming (BBP) is a program that can facilitate leisure. “BBP curtails involvement in negative activities by teaching people about leisure time and how to use it productively with the end goal of acquiring attitudes and skills to help manage daily life stresses while becoming a productive member of society (Carter, 2005)”. Another program that can facilitate leisure in prisons is recreational counseling. “The recreational counseling model believe that recreation and leisure interests are frequently a stable base on which to build career goals, sometimes these inmates never realize that their talents in certain areas could quite possible offer future employment prospects (Caplin,1996)”. Correctional recreation is another way to facilitate leisure activities that will maximize wellness benefits. The goals of correctional recreation is that inmates will acquire new leisure skills to successfully re-enter society (Correctional Recreation). Correctional recreation activities include rehabilitative effects for inmates and recent research has shown that it may also increase the effectiveness of other treatments (substance abuse counseling) when teamed with those therapies (Correctional Recreation). Telander (2015) writes that the National Correctional

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