Last Child Richard Louv Summary

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Nature and technology are becoming more intertwined as computers slowly take over the natural world. The socially responsible use of technology is a debate that cannot be overlooked. Through the use of literary devices , Richard Louv, a journalist, addresses modern issues with technology In his essay, "Last Child". In his thought evoking passages, he analyzes the effects of technology on children. Louv concluded that the latest technological advancements are not necessary and may even stunt a child's cognitive development. For children, the experience of being bored is a rite of passage. Louv's article addresses the conflict between nature and technology by utilizing rhetorical questioning, introducing the topic through nostalgic storytelling, and supporting his argument with eyewitness accounts.

Louv writes using rhetoric questions and parallel structure to make the reader think critically about his topic. For instance, Louv states, "Why do so many Americans say they want their children to watch less TV, yet continue to expand the opportunities for them to watch it? More important, why do so many people no longer consider the physical world worth watching?" These questions are the basis of the essay by Louv because they …show more content…

He understands the careful balance that mankind must strike in his essay, "Last Child." Well placed literary devices pull the reader in and keep them interested. Louv's article addresses the conflict between nature and technology by utilizing rhetorical questioning, introducing the topic through nostalgic storytelling, and supporting his argument with eyewitness accounts. Louv teaches his reader about the importance of nature, technology, and real world experience in a well organized essay that incorporates numerous literary devices. In conclusion, mankind can learn more with the careful combination of nature and technology than ever

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