Las Colores De La Montaña

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2.1 Las colores de la montaña (2011) Las colores de la montaña is a 2011 fiction film directedbyCarlos César Arbeláez. It takes place in a village somewhere in the Colombian Andes and time wise it could be placed anytime in the past three decades. The film explores the end of innocence by depicting war through the eyes of young children. Manuel is a 9 years old boy and he loves football, playing soccer with his friends Julian and albino called Poca Luz in every spare moment. While the adults around them do their best to remain neutral in the conflict between the guerrillas and the armed military in the zone, the children live what seems to be a carefree childhood: aware of, but not bothered by the presence of men in uniforms. However, the …show more content…

Las colores de la montaña can be listed among the films that tell the story of the unarmed actor, Manuel, his friends and family in particular. Even though the film is about the armed conflict, the main emphasis is placed on how the conflict is perceived by those who are not directly involved in it. Telling the story through the eyes of a nine-year-old gives the film a unique feel: the traditionally represented aspects of the armed conflict are still there, however, they are placed in the background focusing on the confusion a child has to experience while growing up in this …show more content…

It is an animated documentary film released in 2011 that displays the harsh reality of the Colombian youth narrated by children themselves (ages 8-13). The directors use only interviews and drawings produced by children that have suffered by the violence of the armed conflict. The end result is an innovative animation movie that allows to look at the Colombian current reality from a child`s point of view: full of innocence and sweetness, not ready for the violence that surrounds them. The animated documentary shows various forms of victimization: threats and armed attacks against civilians, forced disappearances, bombings of the village and armed battles, child recruitment by the guerrilla, forced displacement, and the subsequent problems of unemployment, poverty and stigmatization in the cities .

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