George Orwell's Insights on Language Misusage

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An Analysis of George Orwell’s "Politics and the English Language” (1946).

Orwell’s article on the English language is on point because it defines how people have become lazy in how they communicate with each other. This type of “slovenliness” is part of the problem in terms of why the English language is often misused by the speaker: “The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts” (Orwell para.2). Due to the speaker’s laziness, the language becomes confused, and the person begins having “foolish thoughts” that do not have very good accuracy. This mental process is one way that Orwell defines the importance of language as a tool for clarity of thought, which is important when conveying a message to another person or group of people. Certainly, this is an
In these articles, Orwell defines the two major problems with these articles: “The first is staleness of imagery; the other is lack of precision” (para.9). I agree with Orwell’s argument about the dull use of imagery in these articles, which avoids creativity. Orwell uses a long line of images/metaphors that writers use in their work, which are often misused because the writer does not know the meaning of the terms “Many of these are used without knowledge of their meaning” (Orwell para.10). This is an important example of the foolishness of writers that do not understand the metaphors, similes, and symbolic expressions to help the reader understand their ideas in the writing. I also agree that writers do not use words “precisely”, which can confuse the reader. Many writers are not fully aware of the meaning of the words they choose, which Orwell breaks down in the writings he is analyzing. Clarity in the writing process is conveyed with great accuracy by Orwell to make this second

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