Advanced Communication: The Importance Of Communication In The World

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In today’s society there are many technological advances that have contributed to advanced communication. While these are great things to have and can help people communicate across the globe, they have become a hindrance to critical thinking. With the advancement of technology throughout the world people are able to think less while still “functioning” as a human being. Literacy is thrown to the wayside while texting “lingo” runs rampant. Why read a book when you can watch the movie? Students are becoming less interested in language, reading, and writing and more involved with surfing the web for answers. This shift in the value of literacy opens the world up to many dangers that if not confronted and demolished could lead to a society unable …show more content…

“Constantly ‘the average American’ is surrounded by premeditated language, in newspapers and magazines, on signs and billboards, on TV and radio” (Berry). Words are shortened in texts to “save time” and tweets are limited to a 140 characters. Other social media, like Snapchat, not only limits the amount of characters but also encourages the use of images instead of words. Images have replaced conversation; moreover, all of these limitations will cause people to limit their thoughts. Communication is diminishing in a world slowly throwing away the importance of words. Berry notices this when he says, “We must know a better language. We must speak, and teach our children to speak, a language precise and articulate and lively enough to tell the truth about the world as we know it” (Berry). The world needs to start a change now and cast off the condensing of language so that they may teach their children to love words. When someone loves language it helps them cultivate an appreciation for literacy. With this love, people can start to bring back the language and raise up a nation of critical

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