Lake Area Tea Party Research Paper

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ylor McCarty Professor American Government June 20, 2018 On Monday June 11, 2018 I attended the Lake Area Tea Party. The people at the political event were all Trump supportive Republicans to the exception of one Democrat that was there to film the event. There was many different candidates there to give their speeches from people running to be representatives to their district to a person running for governor of Michigan. I was able to get involved at the Tea Party by being able to sign petitions and we were able to ask questions. I did feel a little out of place because I felt like I was the youngest person there by thirty to forty years. When I walked in to the event we were welcomed and greeted by many different people. They came …show more content…

His name was Chase Turner. He is running for Michigan’s 38th House district. He is the grandson of the iconic Detroit Tv star Marilyn Turner. I believe this gives him an advantage over his opponents because he has a famous person from the area that is backing him. He harped on that he was for the people and not the lobbyists in Lansing. He talked about how being young is useful for him and helps his case. It allows the people of the 38th district to have a new perspective on politics and allow someone different in office. The positive thing about electing someone new into office that has little prior experience is that they are not involved into the corrupt systems. Mostly they are truly running for the people and not to line their pockets. His policies that he wants to enforce is auto insurance reform, long term solutions for roads, and education reform. If I was able to vote I would vote for him because I believe in what he is trying to do, but he might be to inexperienced. When he was an okay speaker and he said the same thing multiple times in different ways. He needs to work on his public speaking and if he can master that I believe he will have a very long and successful career in

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