Lady Or The Tiger?

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"The Lady or the Tiger?" In the story, "The Lady or the Tiger?" We read about the actions of both a king and his daughter. The King was semi-barbaric and held these events which he thought would grant justice. A wrongdoer would step in front of two doors containing a vicious tiger or a beautiful woman. Which ever door was open would be fate granting justice. His daughter who too was also semi-barbaric part in the story was telling her lover who was accused of doing wrong which door to open because she knew what lies between each door. So we as a reader must think to ourselves, which door did she pick depending on her personality. Personally, I thought she picked the door with the tiger because I got the impression she's jealous, shallow and …show more content…

She wanted her lover to herself and could not stand to see anyone else with him. " The girl was lovely, but she had dared to raise her eyes to the loved one of the princess"(Stockton 3). This suggest that the princess took it as an insult when another woman looked at her beloved. I cannot imagine that a woman this jealous would allow the man to walk off with another woman. The Princess also shows signs of being very shallow in the story. I say this because she's supposedly in love with the most beautiful man in the kingdom. I see this as she only loves him because he's pretty. "This royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover, for he was handsome and brave to a degree unsurprising in all this kingdom"(Stockton 3). It just so happens she chose to fall in love with the most beautiful in all the kingdom. If he wasn't as pleasing to the eyes, she may not even be that in love with him. The princess can also be seen as very selfish in the story. I say this because she lets her hatred cloud her decision when it comes to deciding the life of her so call lover. "But upon that hot blooded, semi-barbaric princess, her soul at a white heat beneath the combine fires of despair and jealousy"(Stockton 4). This citation implies she's internally conflicting with herself about what to do. If she were in love and cared about more then herself she would have decided immediately to save his

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