How To Write A Roman Holiday Essay

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ROMAN HOLIDAY (1953) A friend rang me up last week and over the conversation, he said that he was holidaying in Europe this summer. Amongst the cities he was visiting in Europe, one was Rome, and the Hollywood buff as I am, the first words came to my mind was Roman Holiday. Roman Holiday (1953) is a bittersweet romance between a princess and a journalist, lasting only for a day. This one film you watch umpteen times, but you will never get enough of it. I bet you will fall in love with this Princess Anne (Audrey Hepburn). Love has many shades but with her, it is a sublime one. This was Audrey's first film, and how she sparkled. Petite, captivating, pensive, polite, gracious, charming, delightful, genial, courteous - one runs out of adjectives to describe Audrey Hepburn in this film. She is alternately majestic and naïve. Her sad expression as she stands, watching the man she loves and then turn her head to walk away from him is an absolute contrast to the marvelous ecstasy in her eyes earlier when she realizes she loves him. …show more content…

Yes, he walks away from her finally, restraining himself with dignity. If the love had a happy ending he would become prince of the princess, but no, you realize that the man of his stature could have done no less than restraining himself. Roman Holiday is a blend of being romantic but the sweetness will not make you diabetic, its humorous but not slapstick, it is tender like a tulip but does not

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