Lady Liberty's Role In Film

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The most historical and inspiring city in the entire world has plenty to offer to its residents. New York City is home to many immigrants and the most populated city in America. The symbolism of this city has been implanted into the history of America. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about American is the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty has welcomed many immigrants looking for a better life, witnessed major disasters, and offers freedom to every American. The Statue of Liberty makes an appearance in many Cinema Films. Her role in the films can go from motivating characters for a better life to terrifying the citizens for the downfall of the nation. This statue is one of the most important landmarks in America and can symbolize many aspirations. The …show more content…

This scene in the movie is as tense as the shipwreck. With heartfelt music playing while Rose turns her head and lays her eyes on Lady Liberty. This part in the film symbolizes good fortune for Rose. Lady Liberty resembles new beginnings for a new life. After the tremendous amount of pain and suffering Rose has encountered she is filled with hope when standing in front of the Statue of Liberty. This is what the Statue of Liberty stands for. No matter the hard times in life or America in general Lady Liberty is right there to ensure that everything will be okay and indeed, everything turned out okay. Another famous film where the Statue of Liberty foreshadows a happy ending is also seen in X-Men. This superhero film was released in 2000 and started off a series of X-Men films. In the beginning of the film, individuals are noticing that they have superhuman powers. They are then taken to the X-Mansion and the group of superhuman form the X-Men. One of their members has been abducted by a villain and the group fights for their friend’s life. The X-Men conduct a plan to get their friend back. This plan took place at Liberty

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