Lack Of Public Education

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Public education is the future of this nation and as of right now almost “25% of high schoolers drop out and 30% of children fall behind by age 8”(National Center for Children in Poverty). More and more kids are giving up on their own education and others are giving up on them because of the lack of attention. School reform is defined as changing public education and lack of student success is not a third world problem, some of the wealthiest schools in the world still struggle with kids not reaching their full potential. Having been around for almost 30 years with only minor changes being made, people have come to believe that money will solve all problems, but rarely does it really increase the success rate of students. Although many think …show more content…

Those 39% love to teach and teachers who love to teach have students who love to learn. They are not basing their enjoyment of their job off of their pay, which is why most teachers quit within the first five years (Why Teachers Quit). In this same article the author makes an amazing point when he says, “ They also realize that students come with a belief that the teacher is responsible for tapping into that natural desire by providing a classroom environment that fosters a motivation to learn and an excitement that continues from the first day of the semester to the last.” ( Outstanding performance comes from those students who understand and those who love to learn, and those students come from teachers who believe in their students, even when the pay isn’t …show more content…

Which is possible when every student has the chance to be with the teacher whenever is needed. Making learning more interactive and hands-on, even frequent tests to see where the students stand and what they need help in can increase student productivity. These things will not be free, but they do not cost as much as a whole renovation and new technology, but they are minor changes that would help students be more comfortable and willing to learn. Many people believe that reform is not possible without breaking the bank, that we need loans and grants for students to excel. “The Los Angeles Times” states that “Research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that well-paid public school teachers can make all the difference in preparing students for higher education”. This fact does have the support and its common knowledge to say that the wealthiest schools have the highest rate of success in students, but it is more than possible to turn that stereotype around, to support this fact, ( states that the real reason for poor performance in schools is more or less the school environment and the people they come in contact with . Real success comes from hard-working teachers who make hard-working

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