Lacie Pound Nosedive Speech

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Black Mirror is the magnifying glass through which we observe the human condition. The show accurately represents what life today is through the eyes of a dystopia. The episode “Nosedive” shows the future of social media and society. Everyone has cameras implanted in their eyes, everything is shared, and everything is rated on a scale from 0-5, including people. We focus on a relatively young lady named Lacie Pound. She is currently rated a 4.2, but must have a 4.5 rating to live in her dream house. She is invited to be the Maid of Honor at her old friend Naomi's wedding. She believes that by giving a grand and rehearsed speech at the wedding, she will acquire enough good ratings to buy the house. This speech is very tacky and filled with …show more content…

Along with this, she is late to the taxi. This leaves her with a 4.0 rating. She loses sight of what truly matters, family, and focuses on getting to the wedding as soon as possible. At the airport, she is not allowed to board without a rating of 4.1 or higher. She causes a scene, and she is penalised with her rating being knocked down one point for twenty four hours, and along with this, every negative rating counts as double to her average. She must rent a bad car that breaks down, and is forced to hitchhike on the highway. While she is asking for a ride, she received negative ratings from those passing by. This is a great representation of how we view beggars on the street; we ignore them and we secretly judge them just for being poor. She hitches a ride with a 2.0 named Cherry, who is very old. Cherry says that ever since her husband was refused cancer treatment because of his rating, she has not cared about her own rating. Watching this scene, many feel shocked at the cruelty of this world. After pondering this, you realise that this happens in our own world, with the poor being denied proper medical care. Naomi tells Lacey that her rating is too low to go to the wedding. It is also revealed the Naiomi only wanted her there because having a low rated best friend was a sort of fashion statement. In a fit of rage, Lacie storms into the wedding,

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