Kyra's Influence On My Life

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There have been a lot of people who have had a large significance in my life. Whether they be friends, or relatives. I decided to just choose the one I have known the longest. Kyra is my sister. She’s the oldest in our family. She married Grant Feenstra and has moved to Yucaipa, CA. She has a little boy now named Wyatt James. My middle name is James too, so I kind of like him already. She has probably had one the biggest influences on my life as a whole. When I was little Kyra was kind of a jerk honestly. Every time she had to babysit the whole house was in fear waiting for mom and dad to get back to save us from this tyrant they called our sister. Even then, though, she helped in her own way. Discipline was rather lacking in our household for a couple years and Kyra tried to institute her own forms of punishment. I remember if I was annoying her she would put me in my room, but since the doors didn’t have locks she had to get a chair and jam it under the doorknob of the door so I couldn’t open it. It was rather genius if I must say so. She gave us the little discipline that I …show more content…

Mainly through the use of her baby Wyatt. Some people say that a dog can make someone instantly happy, and the same thing is for babies. I don’t really see him a lot because I’m busy with friends and work and stuff a lot, so the last time I facetimed them and got to see Wyatt was a couple months ago. I always tell Kyra not to dress him like an idiot, and the last time talked to them I saw that he was wearing this hideous shirt with dinosaurs on it. I told Kyra the shirt was ugly, and Wyatt started crying. I felt bad and told him he looked very nice today, and he started laughing. I don’t know if he is some super genius who is able to understand what I’m saying at only 3 months old, but somehow he managed to. That one little conversation with a baby who has no clue what’s going on literally made me

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