Kwanzaa Essay

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What is Kwanzaa? Kwanzaa is a nonreligious cultural holiday that celebrates African American Heritage. It is observed from December 26th through January 1st (Pogue, 2017). It was created by Maulana Karenga in the late 1960’s. Karenga is a black activist leader and professor. He has been making strides to better the black community and bridge the gap. He created Kwanzaa during the civil rights movement right after the Watts Riots in Los Angeles. He got tired of seeing all the horrible things happen to black people during this time, so he created Kwanzaa to shed a positive light on the black community. The goal of this holiday was to bring the African American community together. He wanted the African and African American community to have something …show more content…

Women wear kaftans, which are long loose dresses usually wore in Africa. Every family member participates. Children are especially important because it gives them a time to pay respect to their elders. Having children participate in these celebrations helps keep the holiday going for future generations. Kwanzaa has seven key principles, that are celebrated daily called Nguzo Saba. Nguzo Saba is based from Kawaida, which is an African Philosophy created by African People that focuses on African worldviews. The seven principles help aid and uplift individuals. The seven principals serve as a roadmap for individuals to become better people. The principles allow for people to reflect on their life from the previous year. Each day is dedicated to one of the principles, and a candle is lit. The first day is called Umoja, which means unity. Families pledge to maintain unity in their daily lives. Day two is Kujichagulia meaning self-determination. Ujima is the third day and it means Collective Work and Responsibility. The goal of this day is to maintain togetherness in the community. The fourth day is Ujamaa; cooperative economics. They strive to support business in their community. On the fifth day, Nia is celebrated, and this means purpose. The importance of this principle is to help restore the people and business in the community and help them reach their fullest potential. Day six is called Kuumba meaning

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