Kingdom Keepers Disney After Dark Book Report

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The book Kingdom Keepers Disney after Dark written by Ridley Pearson was about fourteen year old Finn Hudson and his new found friends lives had been turned upside down. Finn had sign up to become a DHI (Disney Host Interactive or Daylight Hologram Imaging) at Disney World unknowing of what was about to happen. That night after the filming for DHIs at Disney world finn had a strange ¨dream¨ about a man named Wayne who claimed to know Walt Disney. This kept happening to finn and the other DHIs at disney, later he found out that is was no dream but a crossover to the Disney park after dark. Wayne told Finn that the park was in danger from the overtakers who have planned to destroy the disney dimension and only Finn and the other DHIs can stop them by solving the riddle of the stonecutter's quill. The questions is if the DHIs are now part of the disney dimension will they disappear to if the don't stop the overtakers? …show more content…

One of my least favorite characteristic of the book was that in the very beginning and sometimes through small section the book it's was very unclear about what was happening in the story of the book. My favorite aha moment that I had was when I was piecing together who Jez was and the best part was at the end of the book when the spell that Maleficent put on Jez was lifted, her looked changed and I figured out that she is Amanda's sister. Another thing I didn't like was that author lacked detail in some spots that needed detail. One of the best characteristic of the book is the suspense of what's going to happen

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