King Ymir Research Paper

605 Words2 Pages

In the beginning, there was nothing, no sand, no sea, or cool waves. The heaven or the Earth did not exist. Before the earth was made Niflheim was made. In Niifleim rose twelve rivers. The south was Muspell, where heat and brightness guarded by Surt, who was a giant who carried a flaming sword. The north was frigid Ginnungagap, where the rivers froze and all was ice. Soon enough the ice thawed, and the drips thickened and formed the shape of a man. The man’s name was Ymir, the first of and ancestor of the frost-giants. Then more ice fell and created a cow. The milk of the cow flowed four rivers and fed Ymir. By the third day of the cow licking, a whole man had emerged, and his name was Buri. Buri had a son named Bor, who married a girl named Bestla, who was the daughter of one …show more content…

The frost giant was Ymir, but he wasn’t a god, and eventually turned evil. There was a conflict between the giant and the young gods, and Bor’s three sons killed Ymir. The three sons had cut Ymir so bad to the point where all of his blood had drowned all the frost giants except one who survived only by building an ark for himself and his family. Bor’s three sons dragged Ymirs body to the center of Giinningagap, and they made his body into Earth. The sea was made of Ymir’s blood, his bones became the rocks, his hair became the trees, and his skull became the sky. They made the stars form sparks and molten slag from Muspell, and other sparks moved in paths just below the sky. The clouds were made of Ymir’s brain. They believed that the earth was a disk, so they set up his eyelashes to keep the giants at the edges of the disk. Bor’s sons found two logs at a sea shore and made

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