King Solomon Research Paper

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Triumph and Tragedy
Solomon was wise, blessed and chosen man by God. (1 Sam 16:12:17:42). Solomon was born under unique circumstances to David and Bathsheba, whose union was formed through an adulterous relationship thus, their first child did not survive.
Solomon’s father David was favored by God because, David had faith and followed Gods Laws and Status. For David being a believer and faithful servant of God, God promised David that, his seed would always have a place in Israel’s kingdom. Although David had many sons, David choose Solomon through the anointing of God, to precede him as King. (Kings 1-2)
During Solomon’s reign as king, he build the Temple for God, which David his father was unable to do. Through the peace, prosperity and wisdom bestowed upon Solomon by God, Solomon prospered in completing the Temple, which housed the Ark of the covenant …show more content…

God did appear to Solomon twice, warning him not to go after other gods. Solomon however had a weakness for women, predominately foreign women. God warned Solomon against marrying them because, they worshiped idols.
In the end, women became Solomon’s down fall. Although Solomon had grown old and practiced the same life style of having many women for years, the women’s lifestyle eventually influenced him. Which eventually, turned his heart from God?
In Solomon’s disobedience to God, he build alters for he and his wives. They offered burnt offerings and sacrifices to the idols, which angered God. Due to Solomon’s inability to follow Gods laws, lead to the moral decline of Israel.
Only for the promise made to David, did God allow Solomon, to continue his rule over Israel until he died. However, God did take the wealth from Solomon’s son Rehoboam, by giving him only one tribe to rule over in Israel, which was Jerusalem. God also raised up adversaries against Solomon, which destabilized Israel and brought the split in the

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