King David Kalakaua Essay

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King David Kalakaua Today, many people know of King David Kalakaua as the Renaissance Man, someone who brought back the Hawaiian culture that was once banned, and almost forgotten. King David Kalakaua is also known for creating the famous festival that is known around the world today as The Merrie Monarch. However, many people are still unaware of all the other great historical things that King David Kalakaua did for Hawaii, and the history behind David himself. King David Kalakaua loved to travel, was very well educated and even rebuilt the famous ‘Iolani Palace that still stands today in Honolulu, and these are just to name a few of the long list of great achievements of King David Kalakaua. First are his early years. November 16,1836 on the island of Oahu is where the life of King David Kalakaua begins. Son of Chief Caesar Kapa’akea and Cheifess Anale’a Keohokalole, Kalakaua was the seventh monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai’i. However David Kalakaua was not raised by his birthparents, another Ali’i Family raised him. It was a Hawaiian custom that allowed children to be raised by a higher-ranking family, this was called hanai. David was raised by his hanai mother, Chiefess Ha’aheo the governor of Maui. David attended the Chiefs’ Children’s School for nine years that was taught by missionaries. Then when David …show more content…

He enjoyed the military and also loved the study of Law. He was a joyful man that enjoyed the Hawaiian traditions of Hula, language and music. Creating a few of the songs known and sung today. He also had so much care and compassion for Hawaii and its people, seeking only good for the country. While king, he dealt with the past, present issues and prepaid for the future of Hawai’i. David Kalakaua did whatever he could to keep Hawai’i safe and strong. He never saw himself above others but just as equal. He loved to travel and was loved all around the world, Asia, Europe, and the United States. And continues to be loved for many more years to

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