Kids Are Kids Commit Crimes

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Juveniles are killing. In the American juvenile system kids are not being charged as adults after commenting these horrible crimes.The system is not being fair they argue that the juvenile brain is not fully developed. Juveniles should be convicted as adults for violent crimes because the system should be fair, they should be given the same consequences and some juveniles do not show remorse which means they'll do it again when they get out, juvenile crime rates are rising.

Children as old ad 15 are not being charged as adults for violent crimes some are killing doing robberies. The system is not being fair, there letting them get away with murder because they argue that there brains are not fully developed. Dan Macallair said “we created this image were kids should be feared” why should they be feared, because they are not given the same consequences because they are looked at as if they're kids. If juveniles know there looked upon as kids ,why wouldn't they do extreme violent acts? They know that the consequences won't be as harsh as being an adult. …show more content…

Most kids at a certain age knows right from wrong they know they should not be doing these acts. In the article “Kids Are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes” a 15 year old killed a mini clerk he showed no remorse at the age of 15 you know right from wrong you know should not be killing. You know you will face serious consequences. These kids don't feel any remorse when they commit these criminal acts if they had issues in the head then they should have got diagnosed a long time

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