Katie Roiphe In Defense Of Single Motherhood

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While some may have a positive outlook on single mothers today, many hold a negative outlook as well. Our outlook on single motherhood is based on studies done by students and professors in their respected fields. The studies have allowed us to see the pros and cons of being a single mother. Although being a single mother is not a bad or wrong way to live life, it is a difficult route that can cause stress and difficulties in life. A standard household consists of a mother and father to nurture the child, however, in some cases, one adult may have to perform duties of a mother as well as of a father. Economical situations can be considered good or bad depending on the community is which they confide. In the article, “In Defense of Single Motherhood”, by Katie Roiphe. The author states, “single motherhood and its impact on their children, show that conditions like poverty and instability frequently accompanies single mother households with the high chance of children experiencing drugs, alcohol, mental illness, school dropouts and many more” (Roiphe 59). Studies done by multiple schools are viewed by societies who agree with the concept that single motherhood is a bad thing. There …show more content…

But she is forgetting that not everyone can be like her. “it appears that the unhappiness of single mothers is related to their life circumstances.” (Ifcher 1227) Although being a single mother isn’t something that should be frowned upon, it is also not something that should be promoted. A part of becoming a mother is understanding the art of not only taking care of yourself but also the child you call your own. Having said this, being a single parent and making those sacrifices is good, but understanding the psychological effects it can have on your child short-term as well as long-term is something to take a look

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