Rosanna Hertz Single Parenthood

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Single parenthood is an overall social issue struggled with throughout the United States, but nothing compares to a single mother trying to provide and take care of her children. As we explore a study done by Rosanna Hertz in her novel “Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice,” we will begin to understand the unique differences these women go through in their daily lives. First, we will view her theory and then critique her findings, what she did wrong and what she did right. After we will view other similar studies to Hertz that will either support or contradict her findings.

How would we personally define a family? Would it be the traditional mother and father household with children? Would we even think that a single mother would also be …show more content…

While they mainly focus on widowed and divorced single parent families, they discuss how children being raised in divorced single-mother families have lower education levels, occupational status and happiness in adulthood (Biblarz and Gottainer 2004). This contradicts Hertz hypothesis that single mothers are successful in raising their children, without the educational struggle. These struggles come from poverty and the well-known idea that women make less than men, so it's harder for them to support a child as well as themselves. Another article by Gene Brody and Douglas Flor show the same thing, stating that 82% of single mothers live in poverty. According to their study children living in these households struggled with cognitive competence, social competence and internalizing problems (Brody and Flor 2008). Looking at these two articles, I do believe that Hertz didn't look at the poverty levels of these women, but rather their social lives. This shows that her research didn’t go in depth with the children and mainly focused on the mothers and because of that it weakens her overall …show more content…

Hertz novel expresses that these women are strong and capable of being a single mother and providing for their child. While her research does lack in some areas, like lesbian women and her stance on the importance of fathers, she is able to show that women can be single parents. However, according to other sociologists who have researched the same issue, households run by a single mother show signs of poverty, especially in instances of divorce and widowing. While Hertz gave a strong analysis, those other articles proved that she needed to go more in-depth than a simple interview with single mothers. It’s easy in interviews to get false information from the parties you are trying to get information from. While she shows weaknesses in her presentation overall she understood and discussed her topic well, and in my opinion, she wasn't biased towards the research in any

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