Katherine Johnson In The Film 'Hidden Figure'

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Katherine - Hidden Figures Katherine Johnson proved to be an intelligent and an intrepid character. She was proud to be Negro and was quiet, yet when provoked, she stood up for herself and expressed her thoughts. These attributed were showcased many times throughout the film Hidden Figures. As the main character, she fulfilled that role and had a hard-working mentality. Such as staying behind at work and working overtime. Her extensive knowledge of mathematics proved that dark-skinned women are worthy of going to college and working in a society where all people are treated equally. We were introduced to Katherine at first in the movie as a child when her school principal was conversing with her parents about her future in academics and to …show more content…

She took her work to the bathroom to make up for the 45 minutes she had to waste to get to the colored bathrooms, and settled back to work immediately after in the office. "There are no colored bathrooms in this building, or any building outside the West Campus, which is half a mile away. Did you know that? I have to walk to Timbuktu just to relieve myself! And I can't use one of the handy bikes. Picture that, Mr. Harrison. My uniform, skirt below the knees and my heels. And simple necklace pearls. Well, I don't own pearls. Lord knows you don't pay the colored enough to afford pearls! And I work like a dog day and night, living on coffee from a pot none of you want to touch! So, excuse me if I have to go to the restroom a few times a day." This quote may not sound like something that Katherine will say after you hear about her personality, but she had a side where she couldn't suppress it any longer and had an outburst, showcasing how she really felt. This exact outburst leads to Mr. Harrison hammering down the colored ladies bathrooms and ending the discrimination at NASA. Other than her shouting matches with Mr. Harrison, she decided to communicate by writing her name on the reports even after being told that 'computers don't author reports.' I personally feel that Katherine is a strong character and is doing what’s best for the time's …show more content…

Since a young age, she was proud to be dark skinned and to work for NASA as a woman. She worked in the west computing group, where twenty African-American women worked to calculate mathematical equations for NASA. Katherine stated: ”I will have you know, I was the first negro female student at West Virginia University graduate school. On any given day, I analyze the binomial levels air displacement, friction, and velocity. And compute over ten thousand calculations by cosine, square root and lately analytic geometry. By hand. There are twenty, bright, highly capable Negro women in the west computing group, and we're proud to be doing our part for the country. So yes, they let women do some things at NASA, Mr. Johnson. And it's not because we wear skirts. It's because we wear glasses. Have a good day.” When she was provoked by Jim Johnson about her employment at NASA as a woman. When she was called back by Mr. Harrison during the launch of the Friendship 7, when Mr. Harrison asked if they will be able to reach the moon one day, she responds by saying ‘We’re already there, sir.’ I believe that she is confident in herself, and believes that she and her associates at NASA will be able to conquer the difficult task of landing a man on the

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