Katharine Brush's The Birthday Party

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In “Birthday Party” by Katharine Brush she uses imagery, symbolism, and irony to explain how relationships work. Imagery is used throughout the story to depict, and emphasize the wife’s sad emotions: “Crying quietly and heartbrokenly and hopelessly, all to herself, under the gay dig brim of her best hat” (Brush 20). The author could have just said that the wife was disappointed and sad, but instead she choose to describe the situation using multiple adjectives. This has more of a lasting effect on the reader. It’s easy to read “she was sad and cry”, and just forget about it. Since she uses those adjectives, and add’s “and” instead of commas the statement has more of a lasting effect on the reader because they’re slowly painting this picture of the woman. Each time Brush adds a new adjective it adds another layer of emotion to imagine.
This example of imagery is also used to show how people react when certain things take place in a relationship. When something sad happens people usually let it be known through their actions, and the same thing goes for is something joyous has occurred. By using this imagery, and word phrasing, Brush is emphasizing the fact that people show their internal feelings through external actions. Some examples would be smiling, laughing, frowning, …show more content…

The birthday cake and orchestra symbolize how people try their best for the ones they love. The wife is trying to celebrate her husband's birthday. She doesn't do much for him, but she at least tries with the hopes that her husband will appreciate her efforts. This idea relates to real life relationships because like the wife in the story, people who care about their loved one usually at least try to make them

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