Kansas City-Personal Narrative

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One Sunday morning, early, I’d say around 5:00am or so I was laying in my bed sound asleep in my nice, cold, dark room all snuggled up in my blankets and about 8 pillows surrounding me. I was woken up by my mom and with a voice so soft but with a hint of excitement she says, “Sarah time to wake up, we have to be at the airport in an hour”. I moaned and groaned because I stayed awake most of the night just so excited about what the day had in store for me replaying situations in my head over and over again! Soon enough me and my mom are in her car driving to Kansas City to get on a plane to West Palm Beach, Florida. Our car is packed to the celling of all our bags filled with clothes, shoes, blankets, some kitchen ware, bathroom stuff and other essentials and that’s when it hit me, wow I’m leaving Kansas City. Or more like I’m leaving all my friends, family, my dog, and the house I grew up in for most my life. I took my last looks of Missouri and with every emotion running threw me I didn’t know if I was exited or scared or both to be moving to a different state! …show more content…

I remember the only thing I wanted to do right when I got there was go straight to the beach because I have never been to the beach before. I begged and begged my mom until she gave in. She said yes even though that put us behind on unpacking our necessities in our temporary house. After being at the beach for a couple of hours we went to the house, which was small. It had 1 bedroom and 1 bath with a tiny kitchen and living room. My mom was renting it temporality so me and her could have time to look at houses down there big enough to move our whole family down with us. I was so excited to hopefully find a house quick so I could be with my 4 older brothers again, I was already getting kind of

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