Justice Is Wrong Essay

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What is justice? To me, just doesn’t have to have this convoluted definition, justice is simply amending a wrongdoing, a crime for example. If justice is just fixing what was done wrong, how do you do that? Not with punishment; with rehabilitation. If you focus on punishing someone you can easily fall into the “eye for an eye” mentality which just creates a vicious cycle of suffering that you must avoid to make progress. In addition, you have to identify the root cause of the problem otherwise you're just wasting your time, and effort. Lastly, you have to take things on a case by case basis because the individual circumstances have a gigantic effect. I believe justice should focus on rehabilitation, not punishment because Justice is simply …show more content…

Simple black, and white punishment isn’t the answer. First off, when people follow the “eye for an eye” mentality, everyone ends up needlessly suffering without making any true progress. There is an excellent quote by Mahatma Gandhi that demonstrates this, “An eye for an eye will make the world go blind”. This quote shows the futility of just simply punishing someone for doing something wrong. If you simply punish a criminal, the criminal will continue to be angry, and consequently, want to seek revenge on you. This creates a cycle which only creates more problems, more wrongdoings, and more suffering. To further reinforce this idea there is a much simpler proverb taught; “two wrongs don’t make a right”. Image this hypothetical situation, someone broke into your home and stole from you. Just because they stole from you doesn’t give you the right to go break into their house, and steal from them. It doesn’t suddenly become alright, or legal for you to commit the crime that was committed on you because clear-headed people realize that nothing constructive will come from that. In fact, the most constructive thing you can do is to address the root cause of the

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