Jung Typology Test Paper

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The intent of taking a personality test is to determine which of the sixteen personality types a person belongs. Knowing your personality type can help you explore suitable occupations and careers (“Jung Typology Test”, 2017). It can also help determine which communication and learning styles suit you best (“Jung Typology Test”, 2017). The results of my Jung Typology Test revealed that I am an ISTJ. My percentages are 28% introverted, 28% sensing, 25% thinking, and 62% judging. Based on my personality type, I am one of four personality types that fall under the guardian temperament. From my research, I hope to learn more about my personality type and how I can use it to my advantage as I progress along my Air Force career. The Myers-Briggs Personality Test shows which of the sixteen personality types a person resembles the closest. The test revealed that I am an ISTJ. Within those categories, I am 28% introvert, 28% sensing, 25% thinking, and 62% judging. By examining each category separate, I will determine what each category says about me and give examples of how each one relates to my personal and work life. Step 1 I-Introverted The test showed that I am 28% introvert. According to the human metrics website, this tells me that I have a …show more content…

Kroeger states that if anyone invented the chain of command, it was probably an ISTJ. In a general sense, I have learned that traits that I viewed negatively such as being shy or quiet are not necessarily a bad thing. Identifying traits such as being able to remain cool under pressure, thinking about a solution before answering, and being dependable will help me be a better coworker to my crew partner. Instead of trying to change my crew partner to be like me, I will now learn about his traits. This will help me develop him according to his strengths so that he is an effective crew commander when his time

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