Julius Caesar Final Essay

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Liliana Garcia Final Exam Essay Julius Caesar begins with a view of class dispute, the plebeians against the tribunes. The plebeians are praising Caesar's win over the sons of Pompey, one of the previous leaders of Rome. The tribunes scathe the masses for their foolishness in celebrating the loss of a man who was once their leader. Caesar arrives to Rome joined by his allies and a crowd of citizens. It is the feast of Lupercalia, February 15, a day when two men run through the street and hit those they meet with goatskin thongs. Caesar orders Mark Antony to hit his wife Calpurnia to heal her infertility. A fortune teller evokes Caesar as he passes and alerts him against the ides of March, March 15. Caesar disregards the man and pardons him …show more content…

He persuades them to only kill Caesar, and not Antony, because he does not want them to "seem too bloody". After the men leave, Brutus is unable to sleep. His wife Portia finds him awake and asks him to tell her what is bothering him. At first, he says no, but after she stabs herself in the thigh he decides to tell her. In the meantime, Caesar's wife had a dream of a statue of Caesar bleeding from a hundred cuts. Caesar demands the priests to kill an animal and read the guts to see if he should go to the Senate that day. The priests tell him that the animal did not have a heart, a very bad sign. However, one of the plotters arrives and re-explains Calpurnia's dream to mean that all of Rome sucked the reviving blood of Caesar for its benefit. Caesar agrees with him that it is ridiculous to stay home because of a dream. The other conspirators arrive at his house to take him to the Senate House. On the way to the Senate House, Caesar is greeted by the same fortune teller that earlier alerted him about the ides of March. He again doesn’t listen to the man and continues. A man named Artemidorus then approaches him and tries to give him a letter telling the plan, but Decius cleverly tells Caesar the Trebonius has a suit he would like Caesar to read instead. Caesar refuses to look at what Artemidorus offers him. He explains, "What touches us our self shall be last served". The plotters show up at the Senate House and Caesar …show more content…

Antony comes and begs them to let him take the body and give Caesar a public eulogy to which Brutus agrees. Brutus defends the murder of Caesar alleging he was eliminating a dictator who was ruining the freedom of all Romans. He ends his speech by questioning the crowd if they want him to kill himself for what he did and they replied, "Live, Brutus, live,

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