Judy Garland Quote Meaning

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Ever dreamed of something that only money can buy? One person I can say I wanted to meet was Judy Garland. She was an American singer and actor. Ms. Garland was a famous person during her time. She played the leading role in “The Wizards of the Oz “as Dorothy Gale’’ (Walter, The Advocate). Ms. Garland was a woman who knows how to use her words. For example, Judy Garland said,” I can live without money, but I cannot live without love.” (Tew). This direct quote informs the audience about losing someone you cannot live without with direct words and an underlying meaning. Ms. Garland quote discuss in the lines of living without money but not love. Ms. Garland quote contributes to her realizing that being wealthy is nonexistent if there is nobody to share it with. Many do not know why Ms. Garland wrote this quote and other famous quotes she wrote. I think Ms. Garland was having trouble exposing her love. She expresses her love in the songs she wrote. I personally love this quote because there is a meaning to this quote. The meaning …show more content…

Informing the audience about love vs. money. When a person prefers love, love is not something you can touch but an emotion that can be felt deep inside the heart. Someone in the audience had a similar experience in the way no words can describe. The purpose of this quote was to inform the audience about money. Only the wealthy people can say only “money can buy happiness” until something shifts in their life or anyone for that matter. Even Ms. Garland was wealthy but was stilling missing something in her life. From the direct words, “I can live without money” tells the audience there is something more than just money. For example, a married couple is wealthy, but there is a hidden secret between the two. The husband desire is only money while the wife only wants love from her husband. As someone is blinded by money, love will be the last thing they

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