Joyas Voladoras Analysis

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In the text “Joyas Voladoras” by Brian Doyle, he explains the meaning of life. Doyle infers that all hearts, minds, and souls are different. Doyle’s message is that people should be prepared that life will throw things at them that will make them somber or broken, but eventually everybody in our world will have to have to accept life and live life to the fullest.
Doyle first explains all these cool facts about the hummingbird. They are really small creatures that can fly backwards and dive at sixty miles an hour. Hummingbirds can do marvelous things until they have reached their breaking point. “... if they do not soon find that which is sweet, their hearts grow cold, and they cease to be” . Let's compare people’s lives to the hummingbird. People spend so much of their time trying to get that “great job” and earn the most money they can. People don’t live their lives to …show more content…

“... the animals with the largest hearts in the world generally travel in pairs, and their penetrating moaning cries, their piercing yearning tongue, can be heard underwater for miles and miles. It doesn’t matter how strong or big a person is. Everyone is going to be broken or dismal some point in life. Doyle then talks about the hearts and chambers of all these different creatures. “We all churn inside”. Every mammal, reptile, etc. has a heart. The size and shape may be different, but that does not change how much pain it can handle. Humans will hurt other humans and the other humans will hurt more humans. Life isn’t a perfect place and that is what Doyle is trying to explain. Life will make people have hard times and we have to accept it in a positive manner. He portrays that it doesn’t matter. “You can brick up your heart as stout and tight and hard and cold and impregnable as you possibly can and down it comes in an instant”. Everyone will somehow have a weak spot or a little crack. People in our lives will get hurt and everybody has to accept what life

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