John Muir Research Paper

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My ideal dream career would be to travel the world and capture God in nature. I would love to do something like John Muir’s work and create philosophical/theological statements, printed on my photographic images. Truly, I am emotionally driven, and I try to see the beauty in all that God has created. Therefore, I would love to see my dream come into full fruition and display how I see God’s gifts to us, through pictures. Also, I am very in tune with nature. It allows me to feel closer to God, more grounded and I trust that this is what my true calling is. I believe we are called to communicate with all of God’s people; regardless of their beliefs, and other demographics the world uses to divide people. I am a firm believer, that we are all God’s creations and must communicate in all manner of fashions, whether verbal, non-verbal, written, and/or picture form. Sadly, since God created us to communicate with one another, we have lost sight of how to communicate in a healthy, unified way. Thus, I am to communicate and spread the seeds of God’s radical love for us, trusting that they will not fall on infertile ground. This will entail …show more content…

This was evidenced initially during the Coca Cola ads during the Super Bowl. Since society has become accustomed to conventional advertising means, companies became creative and have found that poetry is more entertaining and approachable to the public. Therefore, instead of writing the same old copy, poetry is being used in commercial campaigns to stand out and give consumers a stronger, personal connection with a brand, to invigorate consumer purchasing, while making the brand an authentic household name. Apparently, to write copy required multiple hours of collaboration and numerous revisions. Now, a person writes the poem, which may be humorous or serious, and in the voice of a specific character or person, upon which the commercial is

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